Sunday, July 9, 2023

A burst of 'sunshine'

 This flower had me stumped. You see, I took a picture of it at the Botanical Gardens in Huntsville, Alabama. Forgot to jot down the name and have wondered what it was ever since. 

So, what do you do when you want to figure out something? Google it, of course. And, I found it I am pretty sure. Do any of you know what it is?

                                                                FEATURE FLOWER


and there are a ton of different species of this herbal plant that is often called a 'pot marigold'. There's so many looks, too. Hard to decipher if you have the right one or not. 

My google search showed this so what you think? Am I on the right track? 

I had no idea so many flowers could be eaten and used in other ways. But, this flower can be used in food and is used as a yellow cheese colorant. Who knew, right?

It is also used in oils, lotions, balms and herbal tea blends. The list just goes on and on. 

Have you ever grown Calendula? I don't think I have ever seen it in anyone's garden. '

Now I can add a new flower to my learning curve... I am learning so much about flowers doing this blog. I hope you are enjoying it and learning something new as well. 


  1. Marigold is a really English garden plant and so many gardens here will have a few of the plants. I love the smell, and you can use them in many ways.

  2. I used to have Calendula in my flower garden. It came up every year and I took them for granted. Then one more pretty orange Calendula blooms. I should buy some seed next year and maybe I'll be lucky and they'll grow and reseed themselves again.

  3. Zinnia family? No clue, but pretty!
