Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Colorful Nasturtiums


I love flowers. I bet you do, too!

In this new blog I hope to bring joy and a bit of elegance to life by giving you something 
to brighten your day.
Who can resist the beauty of flowers?

Today's Feature Flower

I love Nasturtiums! 

They are so bright and cheerful. 

They grow low to the ground making a carpet of red, yellow and orange.

They are packed with nutrition (did you know that?)

Yes, you can eat the leaves and the flowers. Or you can make a bouquet of them.

Or you could do both! 

Nasturtiums have Vitamin C, Manganese, Iron, Flavonoids and Beta Carotine. 

Talk about healthy! 

Try some in a salad.

or paint a picture, as I did.

What's your favorite flower?

I'm sure I will feature it at one time or another so stick around to check it out! 


  1. Nice painting! I like all flowers, nasturtiums included. I knew the blooms were edible but I didn't know about the leaves. Conveniently mine have started to bloom so I'll try a leaf or two. GM

  2. You're not only a good photographer, you are good at drawing and painting! Both of your blogs, now, lift up my spirit! andrea

  3. I love all flowers but think pansies are my favorite. It gets too hot for them here in Kansas but enjoy them while I can. If I plant in Fall and cover with straw they will bloom under the snow and really make a show come Spring.

  4. You do have time on your hands to tackle a new blog. I'm lucky to even keep one up to date. Good for you!

  5. Hi Latane, I've never eaten any edible flowers or leaves, have you? Some of my very favorite flowers are tulips and columbine. I'm only sorry they don't bloom all year:)

  6. I love Nasturtiums too! I especially love the painting you did of them. Beautifully done! Salad looks so delicious! Nasturtiums to me kind of remind me of the flavor some of creasy salad

  7. Well, this is fun! Love flowers!!

  8. I think my favorite flower is the white daisy... but I also love pale pink roses (and sunflowers!).

  9. What a great idea! Looking forward to following you and learning more about different flowers. In Arizona, I have become attached to vinca/periwinkles because they can handle our summer heat! I tried growing zinnia and sunflowers from seeds this year but I think I waited too late and should have started them earlier and indoors and I would have had better luck. Your painting is amazing. You are very talented.

  10. Nasturtiums are such friendly flowers! I love the idea of a blog devoted to flowers.

  11. Nasturtiums are flowers from my childhood. They are one of the first flowers I grew as a child because they are very forgiving and didn't need a lot of attention, they did well. Like you I find them cheery! Congratulations on your new blog!
    Wren x
