Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Fragrant Ginger Lily

     My Aunt had the most fragrant flowers blooming in her yard. They were ginger lilies. 

I got some cuttings from her and they did well. 

Then my daughter, Shirley, married, moved to Virginia and started her own bed of the white blossoms.

Years later Shirley's brother, Michael,  dug some up for himself... took them from Virginia back to Alabama where they'd started, and now he has a bed of them next to his deck. Makes for such a sweet-smelling setting. 

Although the plant is called a ginger lily the bulbs are not edible, however the flowers and buds can to added to salads and other foods. 


  1. They are beautiful! I love white blossoms and this plant is one I do not have in my garden.

  2. Is very good to have this the garden. There are beauty and fragance.
