Saturday, July 29, 2023

Cascades of White

 The Crepe Myrtle is about finished it's blooming season. It's not a favorite flower of mine and I am not particularly fond of the white ones. Love the Watermelon Red Crepe Myrtle  but the 'tree's here where I live are white. Wouldn't you know it? And, they are huge... tops of them past my third floor balcony so as I sit out there I am greeted by blossoms.

Occasionally I will take a picture (when I run out  of anything to photograph) so I want to share some of those shots with you today. 

This first one I was caught by the 'heart' shape of the cluster of tiny flowers. It was framed since I thought it was special. 

So, now we wait until next Spring when the blossoms will return.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Farm Market Find

My son and I went to a farm market where he lives in Athens, Alabama a few years back. We wandered among the fresh veggies, bright red tomatoes, frilly green cabbage, huge onions, jars of honey, handmade crafts and more. 

Michael was gathering up a  few things for us to carry home... and then I saw this sweet little bouquet of purple, white and yellow flowers. I immediately fell in love with it... so it came back to his house with me.

Don't you just love making a happy choice of flowers or anything for that matter? We need joy in our lives and that little bouquet brought me joy! It's long gone now but I still am reliving that joy through the photographs I made of it.         

Sunday, July 16, 2023

A Fern-like Vine

I discovered a strange looking vine growing on a fence at my sister-in-law's house. I had never seen it before so I asked for some seeds. 

We moved to Virginia (from Alabama) in 1999 and I must have brought those seeds with me. I strowed them along a tall fence in the back yard of our new home. They came up and for a season or two was doing quite well and then..... gone!

                                                                   (my photograph)

Years went by,  probably five or so, when one day I saw a small sprout of fern looking vine starting up the fence again. It was back after all those years. 

                                                            OUR FEATURE FLOWER

                                                                    CYPRESS VINE

It's native of Mexico and Central America and grows very well in the southern states of the US. It has fern like foliage which will close up in hot sun but opens back when in a cooler atmosphere. The red star-shaped flowers are abundant on the vines and are quite striking. They are small so it takes a lot of them to make a statement. 

                                                               (my photograph)

Butterflies and hummingbirds love them. 

I wonder why we don't see more of this plant since we are to encourage the butterflies in our gardens. 

I moved away from my house 9 years ago and that plant is still going strong for the new occupants. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Growing On A Fence

                                                                  Feature Flower


Before I moved into my apartment I lived in a house with a nice sized back yard. On a fence, there grew a clematis vine. Sometimes the flowers would be as large as my husband's hand! 

                                                         This one is 'Nelly Moser' 

  I love that darker stripe down each petal. 

                                                   Have you ever grown Clematis?

It was interesting to me to find out that it's oils and compounds are extremely irritating to the skin. And, if it is ingested in large amounts, can cause internal bleeding. Now, I am not going to go out and start chewing on a Clematis vine! But, I wondered about pets and wild animals. 

If you prune them they suggest you wear gloves. Well, whatever! Sort of takes the fun out of that plant doesn't it? But, it really is attractive. And, I love lavender!!

Sunday, July 9, 2023

A burst of 'sunshine'

 This flower had me stumped. You see, I took a picture of it at the Botanical Gardens in Huntsville, Alabama. Forgot to jot down the name and have wondered what it was ever since. 

So, what do you do when you want to figure out something? Google it, of course. And, I found it I am pretty sure. Do any of you know what it is?

                                                                FEATURE FLOWER


and there are a ton of different species of this herbal plant that is often called a 'pot marigold'. There's so many looks, too. Hard to decipher if you have the right one or not. 

My google search showed this so what you think? Am I on the right track? 

I had no idea so many flowers could be eaten and used in other ways. But, this flower can be used in food and is used as a yellow cheese colorant. Who knew, right?

It is also used in oils, lotions, balms and herbal tea blends. The list just goes on and on. 

Have you ever grown Calendula? I don't think I have ever seen it in anyone's garden. '

Now I can add a new flower to my learning curve... I am learning so much about flowers doing this blog. I hope you are enjoying it and learning something new as well. 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

A Blue Flower

                                                          Today's Featured Flower

                                                 Batchelor Button

not my photograph

 I do love Batchelor Buttons! I think it's because they are one of my earliest memories. My aunt was quite a flower gardener. She had a rather large 'green thumb' (grin) And, she had lots of Batchelor Buttons.

Did you know that they are also known as cornflowers? 

Do you know why?  They were first in Europe and grew in cornfields there. Hence, Cornflowers! 

taken at my granddaughter's in Machipongo, Eastern Shore, Virginia

We should be concerned about our bees and the fact that insecticides are killing them off at rapid rate. We have to have bees.. and other pollinators. And, guess what? Bees, Butterflies and Ladybugs LOVE Batchelor Buttons. You might want to add some to your garden. 

Batchelor Buttons, as I remember them, were always blue but they come in other colors now. I like that!

And, here's another flower that is edible. The flowerhead has a spicy-sweet flavor and can be eaten fresh. Or dry them to add to your cup of hot tea. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Colorful Nasturtiums


I love flowers. I bet you do, too!

In this new blog I hope to bring joy and a bit of elegance to life by giving you something 
to brighten your day.
Who can resist the beauty of flowers?

Today's Feature Flower

I love Nasturtiums! 

They are so bright and cheerful. 

They grow low to the ground making a carpet of red, yellow and orange.

They are packed with nutrition (did you know that?)

Yes, you can eat the leaves and the flowers. Or you can make a bouquet of them.

Or you could do both! 

Nasturtiums have Vitamin C, Manganese, Iron, Flavonoids and Beta Carotine. 

Talk about healthy! 

Try some in a salad.

or paint a picture, as I did.

What's your favorite flower?

I'm sure I will feature it at one time or another so stick around to check it out!